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Being loud for the mouths taped shut. 

- 30th June 2020 - 


We are coming to the end of this game of pool. 

We have sent Mexicans back over the border,
We have told Asians to go back to where they came from,
We have wiped Indigenous people from their land;
We have only a black ball to sink, until a single white ball is all that is left. 

It is important to acknowledge your privilege in today’s climate. It is okay to be uncomfortable, we must learn to sit in that discomfort. That means that we realise there is racism that we have been ignorant to, and thus learn why it makes us feel uncomfortable. 

It is a privilege to possess the capacity to learn; specifically about how our ancestors institutionalised the racism that we are fighting against today. It is a privilege to be in the position where you can work to eliminate racism rather than having to endure it. It is not an act of heroism to change, it is an act of human decency. It is everyone’s responsibility to be more ethical than the society they grew up in.  

Having conversations with parents and friends is all part of our jobs, because we know that there is still progress to be made. This is a friendly reminder that we all contribute to the problem if we are all bystanders. So please, be kind, and be loud, because so many people have had that chance taken away from them. 
