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Fabulous at 50: Real Housewife of Auckland Angela Stone’s new venture

- 7th March 2022 - 


Auckland, New Zealand - Real Housewife of Auckland Angela Stone successful venture into health and

lifestyle, with results speaking for themselves.

Anxiety and weight-gain are all too common in the pandemic with many feeling frustrated with themselves

and unable to make the lifestyle changes they desire. Angela quickly recognised this and sought a way to

share her success with others.

There is one thing, above all else, that drives Angela - helping people find their confidence and build a life

they deserve. Whether it is as a fashion stylist, a mental health advocate, a mum or a loyal friend.

Angela’s latest venture into health and fitness is no different and is proving successful.

“Angela’s Body Goals was created as a way to share the lessons that I have learnt on my health and

fitness journey. I wanted to not only help people become fit and healthy but also create a supportive,

positive space for this change to happen mentally as well as physically,” says Angela.

Under Angela’s Body Goals, she launched The Results Plan, an exciting 10-day health and fitness

coaching programme. Perfect for anyone wanting to get in shape, lose weight, find balance or grow

stronger, The Results Plan is the doorway to kickstart your health and wellness journey.

In partnership with Herbalife, The Results Plan utilises high protein meals and a selection of unique

supplements and weight management products.

“So many of my clients tell me they have never lost so much weight while eating so much. More

importantly, they always refer to how good they feel - which has to go hand-in-hand with results for a true,

long-lasting lifestyle change,” explains Angela.

“We’re all real women - no matter our size. With The Results Plan I was able to make a complete lifestyle

change, rather than just surface level. For anyone out there who wants to do the same - let me help you

get there.”