F45 - the hottest new fitness craze
- 9th December 2020 -
I would be surprised if you told me you’ve never heard of F45, or even trialled a couple of days with them. With over 1,750 studios internationally, it’s pretty hard to miss them.
F45 is known for their high intensity, CrossFit like trainings, or as their name states, Functional training (a mix of circuit and HIIT), 45 (total amount of training time). F45 has become one of the newest fitness crazes, with personal trainers leading a 45-minute class already planned and laid out for you. All there is for you to do is to turn up to the class in time and pump yourself up for an intense yet rewarding 45 minutes.
These classes are created to unify the muscle groups of the body to help you move and feel stronger in all aspects of your life. Each workout is based around movements of the body that support day-to-day activity. Alongside their classes, you can join their 8-week challenge made up of nutrition, training and tracking. F45 provides you with an app that can help you keep track of your goals and progress, as well as containing recipes, at-home workouts and ready-made challenge meals delivered to your door.
Included in the 1,750+ studios around the world, is the newly built Britomart and Viaduct Harbour locations. Located right in Auckland’s city centre, and being a short and sharp 45 minutes, means this is the perfect way to spend your early morning or your hour lunch break. With the small groups in the class and the incredibly motivating trainers, you’ll feel welcomed no matter what fitness level you are starting at.
With a 7-day free trail at any of the studio locations, this is the perfect time to start your fitness journey and see if F45 is right for you.