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Feed Your Face

- 16 APRIL 2020 -


Just because you're at home doesn't mean you can't look after your face!

Just a moment while we whip this up...

The lovely Sue Crake from Finesse Face & Body says that a wonderful and super-easy face mask is simply a little plain yoghurt! Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin and leave on for around 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and a soft flannel or cotton pads.

Yoghurt has a wonderful tightening effect and the lactic acid in yoghurt leaves your skin feeling soft and silky smooth.For an added oomph, add a teaspoon of honey and stir in thoroughly. This has vitamins as well as being a natural antiseptic and antioxidant.If your skin is getting dry, you can stir in a little avocado oil, it's loaded with vitamin E, Omega 3's and antioxidants.