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Breathwork & Mental Health with Mike Wilson

- 21st November 2021 - 


Mike Wilson knows that there’s a one in a trillion chance of being on this earth and intends to make the most of it. The Apprentice Aotearoa star is all about hard work, tenacity, and passion. With a ‘glass half full’ outlook on life, Wilson is a jack of all trades, previously spending some time across the ditch working in hospitality, as a personal trainer, and an entrepreneur before returning to New Zealand.

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on how we interact with others, go about our lives, our work, study and many other aspects of our lives. As we’re facing uncertainty in these unprecedented times, this drives home the importance of looking after our mental health.

Mike has experienced, acknowledged and come to face the effects of his mental health to cope with Covid-19 related issues. Mike’s number one tool is breathwork, to breathe is a natural action, however breathwork teaches us how to use this ability to its fullest, the results being physically and mentally rewarding.


Recently, Mike has become fully certified as a Rebirthing Breathwork facilitator and life transformation specialist. Simply put, breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercise or technique, breathwork exercises have an outstanding effect and can improve one’s mental, physical or spiritual well-being. If you’ve ever been to a yoga class you would have heard the instructor reminding you to ‘control your breath’. And at its core, this is what breathwork is all about, breathing consciously, with awareness and with intent, allowing your breath to relax muscles, channeling breath to part of one’s body which in itself is allowing one’s mind to focus on the body and your mental state with clarity and relaxation.


How can breathwork help over lockdown? It can pull you out of your mind and into your body, grounding you, giving your nervous system a feeling of safety and peace (that feeling of lightness like a weight has been taken off your shoulders.) It can lower your stress hormones and lower your ‘flight or fight’ response, build your immunity and these are just a few of the benefits, there are a whole lot more.

JUST BREATHE Mike Wilson’s five benefits from daily breathwork:


1. Calmed nervous system, allowing for less stress and lower cortisol levels

2. Lowered anxiety as you are brought into the present moment

3. Ability to build and improve your immune system

4. Feeling of being grounded and fulfilled

5. Focuses you into your physical body, and out of your head


Mike’s method of breathwork is considered advanced healing therapy, where science-based techniques meet spirituality. His sessions are a profound journey of self-discovery, as you dive deep into your unconscious mind to unleash your innate true potential of self-love, and self-belief. It is an introduction to the magic and mystery of the breath, a simple, ever present and sacred tool that can be used to bring balance and harmony to everyday life.


Like most things there is an abundance of information, which can be overwhelming! If you’re interested in finding more, the best way would be to reach out to me and I can give you

some very simple, everyday-use breathing techniques. You can find me on Facebook ‘Michael Wilson’ or Instagram __mike.wilson.